Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011


To become secretary wich professional that to carry out task responsebility, on time in work task, to use automatic work, fotocopy, scanner, facsimile.
Therefore person whichefficient - organized work, ,amage attitude which want and to arrange prioritas work which to have to sold out, understand concept from prosedur equipmen oriented to send and to receive e-mail, know prosedur in ready and proccess communication write - make letter, proccess latter enter and out together ready report.
Attitude which important that is always berinvestasi in knowledge and skil new use to confront challenge which will farade company future.

About my Favorite book

Understanding Posyandu

Posyandu that is wrong one form effort healty source power society ( UKBM ) which in manage and in to organizer from, by, for, and together society in execution construction healty, use effecient society and to give simplicily to society in get obtain service healty bottom for two speed up descend AKI and AKB.

Posyandu direction

Direction for grade kinerja snatch service posyandu. grade degree healty mother and child together equal ber-KB society, to speed up management posyandu, to optimize kinerja cadre posyandu, intensive service KB and healty and descend number death mother ( AKI ) and number death baby ( AKB).

Activity Posyandu

Main healty mother and child, family calamity, imunisasi, nourishment, prevention, and penanggulangan diare.
Performer Alive Clean and Healty ( PHBS )

  • PHBS Level Nourishment
eat with nourishment balenced ,to drink tablet iron forever pregnant, to give baby ASI eksklusive, consumption salt lodine, to give baby and balita kapsul vitamin A.